
The user-friendly, compact and functionally well thought through Codix process displays and controller are ideal for all linear and non-linear analog signals.
Electromechanical counters in many versions, as well as miniature counters for PCB mounting, are ideal time and pulse counters for pumps, lifts, dryers, UV lamps, KWh meters and much more.
The Codix series offers functional, low cost electronica display counters, position displays, timers and tachometers. Our electronic multifunction preset counters enable decentralized control and so reduce cycle times.
Pulse counters are primarily used to count a number of pulses or signals while a running time meter counts the time a signal is high or low.
Multifunction counters can be programmed to use tachometer pulse counters or running time meter with multiple settings for signals and relay outputs.
Preset Counters are used to measure the electrical pulses, and with the help of adjustable presets trigger various functions.
Multifunction counters are used with PNP or NPN signals to measure, among other things; length, speed, number of mm.
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