Monitoring market trends continuously is the only way to stay one step ahead, and Mini Motor has it’s eye firmly focussed on the pharmaceutical and food industries.
Let’s look into how Mini Motor are providing stainless-steel solutions.
Although the industrial market is currently showing relatively low sales figures (around 15,000 units sold per year around the world), trends indicated that there is good potential for a growth.
Industries such as food and pharma abide by strict regulations surrounding hygiene and safety and will require stainless steel components more often as standards tighten up, urging Mini Motor to enter the stainless-steel market.
Hygiene and safety are the order of the day, because these are the factors that are driving the demand for stainless steel motors.
In fact, classic non-sealed motors have construction features that risk contaminating the products they encounter. For example, dirt can accumulate in the edges and gaps on the guards that cover these motors, which is why they will gradually be eliminated.
Mini Motor plans to stay ready for this increase and provide solutions tailored to the market’s requirements.
The Mini Motor IP69K, stainless steel product range was designed to conform to guidelines mandated by the E.H.E.D.G. – The European Hygienic Engineering & Design Group – for the design of machinery for the food industry.
The Mini Motor product line is offered to customers in two stainless-steel solutions: the 304 and also the 316L, which is even more resistant to corrosion and chemical detergents.
As a result, IP69K products are fully able to withstand and be unaffected by the most extreme environmental stresses, whether they are chemical or mechanical in nature.
Generally speaking, all the components of Mini Motor IP69K motors are suitable for contact with food that is processed with the aid of motors, such as meat and pasta.
An additional advantage is H classification of the windings, since it represents the allowed difference in temperature between the motor and the external environment during operation.
According to mechanical engineer Alessandro Ciccolella, “The stainless-steel motor market is one of the most interesting markets that are opening up for the company, because of its inherently high level of innovation and the number of potential fields of application for its products. Everything that has been done in this direction, now and in the future, is the product of Mini Motor’s ability to chart a course over the sea of industrial automation, with an eye on seeking new horizons“.
If you are one of those that require stainless steel, IP69K rated products or interested in how they can fit within your application, email [email protected] or call 0116 284 9900