MBDV series low voltage DC servo motors, frame sizes from 40-130mm, power range from 100-1500W, IP65 rated
MDX Plus - Fully integrated feature-rich servo motor system offering pulse, RS485, CANopen and EtherCAT communication modes
Modular fully integrated drive wheel range specifically developed for mobile robots
BLDC motor with encoder for jacking and rotating in AGV applications, ideally suited for use with MOONS' MDS drive wheel range and MBDV servo drives
MBDV miniature series low voltage DC servo motors in 20mm frame size with 30W output, differential and SPI encoder options. CANopen, EtherCAT, RS485 Modbus comms
DC servo drive configured for ease of implemenation in AGV applications. Multi axis with STO functionality
Smart fully enclosed integrated servomotor
Smart open framed fully integrated servomotors
Compact BLDC servomotor with integrated control