A solid state relay is an electronic switching device which is controlled by an external voltage. Solid state relays use semiconductors to control the switching operation.
Electro-mechanical relays use coils, springs, magnetic fields and mechanical contacts to control the switch. A solid state relay uses a semiconductor with no moving parts to control the switch.
A solid state relay has no moving parts, so does not have a limited contact life cycle like an electro-mechanical relay. These moving parts also cause the electro-mechanical relay to have slower switch speeds compared to SSRs. SSRs are vibration resistant, noise free and produce far less electromagnetic interference compared to an electro-mechanical relay.
SSRs can be used to control heating elements in HVAC installations, plastic injection moulding, food processing equipment, any motor applications and lighting systems to name just a few.
The Panel team at OEM Automatic can help assist you when choosing a SSR suitable for most applications. Crouzet offer a comprehensive range of SSRs, these include AC output / panel or DIN-rail mount and DC output / panel mount options. The Crouzet SSR range can handle up to 125A / 660 VAC.
Product newsPanel Mount - AC Output Single Phase
Panel Mount - AC Output Single Phase
Panel Mount - AC Output Single Phase
DIN Rail - AC Output Single Phase
DIN Rail - AC output Single Phase
Panel Mount - DC Output
Panel Mount - DC Output